Capoeira is a martial sport, developed by African slaves in Brazil at around 1500s. Movement in capoeira resembles the dance and dotted heavily on kicks. The fight in capoeira is usually accompanied by music and called Jogo. Capoeira is often criticized because many people doubt its value in real combat, compared to other martial arts like Karate or Taekwondo. Capoeira is a traditional martial arts system founded in Brazil by African slaves brought by the Portuguese to Brazil to work on large plantations. In ancient times they pass up the exercise with the accompaniment of traditional musical instruments, such as the berimbau (a wooden arch with the strings are beaten with a small timber for agitated) and atabaque (large drum), and it is also easier for them to hide the practice them in a variety of activities such as pleasure in the feast made by the slaves in their place named senzala. When a slave escaped he would be chased by a "hunter" named professional armed capitães-do-MATO (captain forest). Usually capoeira is the only martial arts that is used by slaves to defend themselves.
The fight they usually occur in the field of forest cover in-Guarani language (one of the indigenous languages in Brazil), called CAA-puêra - some historians argue that this is the origin of the name of the martial arts. Those who had fled villages gathered at a fenced named quilombo, in places difficult to reach. Quilombo Palmares of the most important thing is that where people have to amount to ten thousand, lasting for about sixty years against the powers that want to invade them. Chairman of the their most popular named Zumbi. When the law to eliminate slavery emerged and Brazil began to import white laborers workers from countries such as Portugal, Spain and Italy to work in agriculture, many Negroes were forced to move residence to the cities, and because many of those who do not have a job started to become criminals. Capoeira, which had become urban, and began to learn by
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