Parkour has the sense to move or migrate from point A to point B as efficiently and as quickly as possible using the principles by emphasizing the beauty of parkour moves well balanced by the ability of the human body itself.
Parkour actually been around since before humans knew the word "parkour" itself. But Parkour described and introduced to the world by a French man who was known by the name of David Belle. It was he who had introduced this sport to the world that was originally developed in France only. So that eventually evolved into the entire continent of Europe and eventually spread throughout the world.
But long before that, there is a 19th-century French sailor named Georges Hebert who develop training methods that humans are capable of releasing energy hidden in his body. Hebert inspired by the tribes in Africa that have athletic ability and gymnastics. Apparently, that could make a strong tribe is the surrounding environment which has itself trained them for years.
Finally, Hebert creates a method of exercise that is named with its famous motto naturalle 'etre fort pour etre utile' or 'to be strong, to be useful'. This exercise covers ten basic movements of walking, running, jumping, swinging, quapedral movement, balancing, Throwing, lifting, climbing, and swimming. The method that was eventually used by French soldiers in the Vietnam war. One of which deepens the exercise is Raymond Belle, David Belle's own father.
Inspired by his father, Raymond Belle a French soldier who eventually joined the sapeurs-pompiers (military firefighters). Born in the midst of the fire department to make David's family was inspired by stories of heroism. At the age of 16 years, David decided to leave school to find his love of freedom, action, and to develop its strength and dexterity to be useful in life, as he always admonished by his father.
Raymond introduced to his son about an exercise hurdles and natural methods that eventually known as Parkour. Since that time, any David's after school he began playing the scenario for yourself how he could escape from a difficult situation. According to David, Parkour can be useful as a self-defense in unexpected circumstances. When martial art can be called as a form of exercise to fight (fight), parkour is a form of exercise for the flight (blurred).
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